Waves of Blooming

It’s funny how many people have complimented me on how wonderful I am looking at the moment, currently 7 months pregnant with my 2nd child, and feeling it. “You are blooming my dear” is a phrase I am hearing a lot, while sometimes feeling more like a withered flower. It’s quite easy to forget all that my body is actually doing right now, as my focus can sometimes be on how uncomfortable my lower back pain makes me feel, or my swollen feet. I even had an episode in Primark, yes, Primark has a maternity section and let me tell you, the sizes are not for the faint hearted. Firstly, the selection in my local store was minimal, this was very disappointing. Second, The sizes are all far too small, even for what they say it is. I was ready to throw down a toddler tantrum and walk out when I had a size 14 jeans (Usually a size 8/10) that wouldn’t fit over my expanding booty. I managed to overcome and find some items that would keep me looking stylish but most importantly, comfortable. 

Summer is my favourite season, with Autumn coming in 2nd. I don’t think I had properly prepared myself for pregnancy during the third trimester in the height of summer time. During the second trimester, I found a flow of creativity that I had to put to one side during the first three months. I really did feel like energy had returned and tried out some new ideas. These ideas led to me trying out new materials and tools for my art that have really helped to develop my practice. Moving forward into the 3rd trimester and into the blazing heat of summer, has made for some interesting experiences for my body, but also for my creativity. To accommodate both I have been setting up art spaces in my two bed flat in White City, London.

I love sharing my process with my passing neighbours outdoors in the sun, giving them access to the arts right on their doorstep. This has made for new connections, opportunities and friendships. I also have the option to throw down some dust sheets and paint indoors should I feel like I need to take my day a little slower. When I created “Waves Of Blooming” I was indoors, in my bedroom and very relaxed. I was contemplating Psalm 139:13-15 which says; 

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully & wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

This really did bring things into a new light for me, while I am feeling the effects of growth as emotional upheaval and physical discomfort, there is a miracle taking place from within, one which I am in awe of. Bursts of creativity, movements, uncertainty, discomfort, changes on a deep level and when you take a step back to look, it is a beautiful dance of colour, vibrancy & life. All things I associate with Summer, and here, in my womb and the messy space of my room something beautiful & wonderful is happening. It’s a beautiful thing when we create, we are in the likeness of our creator when we sit to connect with him in this way, and it is always a good reminder for me. Especially as I sit with my growing body, in awe and in gratitude that I am able to be part of such a wonderful experience, and bring a new life into this world. Waves of Blooming is named such because, sometimes I really feel that beauty and sometimes I forget just how amazing it all is, due to the discomfort pulling focus. I am looking forward to greeting my beautiful baby in Mid August, and have my family expand. Hopefully, everything else that has expanded, will go back to it’s normal size shortly after. Here’s to a love filled summertime together.




Knock on Should


Jumping Into Myself