Kindness is King

The printing press has fuelled many a revolution. It’s history is one of great political impact, giving voices to people who previously were not able to comment and bringing literacy to those that were not able to read and write. It gave a voice to political activists and spread opinion and comment throughout the world. In my own way I voice my emotions, thoughts and opinions in concrete poetry – time and time again. Setting, locking, inking, rolling, pressing, cleaning and dissing the ancient and beautifully worn wooden block letters. I bring them together to create words and wonder how many words over the centuries have they made and whose voices have they vocalised. When I dismantle the locked up type to start all over again I wonder what words will they create in the future.

I salvaged these typefaces from waste piles and junk stores and reclaim my ink from end of life printer’s tins or make it myself from recovered carbon pigment from old tyres. My press and all the type furniture is all second-hand as a lot of it isn’t made any more. The revolution has digitised.

Sophie Thomas



Jumping Into Myself


Ice Cream Shop