Ice Cream Shop

Of the great many things that make me cheerful – ice cream, sunshine, and crafting with my children are high on my list. And so, I’m delighted to share this craft which combines all three! This summer craft can be enjoyed outdoors in the sunshine, and indoors too on those Great British summer days when the weather just won’t play ball. 

To offer a little background, I am a mother of three, writer and maker of children’s toys and games from sustainable materials. I use materials commonly found in the recycling, such as cereal boxes, empty egg cartons, scrap paper and loo roll tubes. I love that creating in this way is planet- friendly, but also so accessible too. There’s always something lying around which can be transformed into something for play. 

This craft transforms empty egg cartons and loo roll tubes into everything you need to play ice- cream shop! My daughters, aged 1 and 3, both love it. It’s a great craft that they can get involved with making and enjoy endless imaginary play with afterwards.  

What you will need:

  • 2 egg cartons

  • 6 loo roll tubes

  • Paint or crayons  

  • Scissors

  • Tape  

  • Optional: another egg carton

Begin by cutting out little cups out from one of your egg cartons. These separate egg carton cup placed upside down will be your ice cream scoops. 

Next, cut your loo rolls open vertically. Place one carton cup at the top end of each cut open loo roll. Remember to place the cup upside down. Wrap your loo roll around your cup to form a cone shape and tape in place. Trim any bits that hang over. Repeat this with the rest of your carton cups and loo roll tubes. 

You should be able to remove and replace your carton cups from your cones. Remove them all for decorating. Now for my girls’ favourite bit. Spread out paints or crayons on top of scrap cardboard or a tablecloth you don’t mind getting messy and decorate your scoops according to your favourite flavours! We mixed various browns for coffee and chocolate, made a pale yellow for lemon sorbet and a sweet strawberry pink! Add small dots for chocolate chips, tiny dots for sprinkles and stripes for sauce! You may choose to paint or colour your cones too. Now leave them all to dry. 

Whilst your ice creams are drying, you can make your ice cream stand. Take your second egg carton and turn this upside down. Pierce each egg compartment with your scissors and enlarge the holes with your finger. Your cones will fit snugly in here.

Once your cones and scoops are dry and your stand is ready, you’re good to go! Your children’s homemade ice-cream shop is complete. My eldest enjoys when I add a set of kitchen tongs to the set up to use for adding the scoops to the cone. 

I hope this craft brings you as much cheer as it brings us! For more of my sustainable craft and creative play ideas, you can find me @sydney.piercey on Instagram. 


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