The Road Zine


I met these guys in a zoom call two weeks ago and absolutely love what they do and why they do it.

The Road is a community of support in this time of a mental health crisis in the UK, started in October 2020 by 3 students who met at university. The zine we release is a collaboration between emerging creatives ranging from poetry through to art, design and photography to find new, creative ways in raising awareness for mental health. Offering a space for experiences to be expressed and shared in the community of travellers embarking on this road to healing with us. The Road acts as a grassroots enterprise engaging directly with and for those with a lived experience of poor mental health, whether it is their own experience, or one of a family member or friend. The zine works to share stories and showcase how no one person experiences mental illness the same way, yet no one person is ever alone. The zine also provides resources and links for support networks locally, and nationally so that individuals can access provisions they may need for support and healing.