Random Acts of Nonsense, Lesley Graney


Lesley Graney is the founder of Random Acts of Nonsense or RAON; an antidote to the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

She started RAON as a WhatsApp group with friends in response to her devastating diagnosis of secondary breast cancer, encouraging everyone to 'Carpe Diem', seize the moment, embrace ridiculousness and make memories with the people they love.

By adding a sprinkle of RAON glitter and silliness (and sometimes Unicorns), RAON moments stay in your head and heart, and are also good for your head and heart, supporting mental and physical well-being too.

RAON has since developed into a website, a series of live events, an interactive family show as part of Brighton Fringe festival, and now as a new pack of RAON playing cards for families to enjoy together.

Lesley is also using her rich background as a teacher for 25 years in performing arts to launch the 'RAON Club' which will bring the spirit of RAON into education in a way she hopes will help transform young people's learning through a simple 15 minute daily programme which focuses on getting students into the best state for learning.

More than anything though Lesley wants RAON to remind people that perhaps the "Hokey Cokey" is really what it's all about.