Green Washing and Peacocking, Claire Potter


I’ll be chatting to @clairepotterdesign. Claire is a leader in sustainable design. She coined the term “green-cocking” (a portmanteau of green washing and peacocking).

Claire Potter was born and educated in Brighton and still remains in the city where she has run her own award-winning design studio in a circular way since 2008. As well as her own practice, Claire is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sussex where she is also head of Product Design, in the School of Engineering and Informatics.
In her spare time, Claire is a volunteer Regional Rep for UK marine charity, Surfers Against Sewage and is a Working Group Co-ordinator at the Global Ghost Gear Initiative. When not doing something design related, Claire can be found escaping somewhere quiet in nature, eating cake or at the gym - flinging a barbell around or consensually kicking her friends in a combat class. Despite building and off-grid apocalypse ready Sprinter camper van, Claire is also very much an optimist.