David Hoogland and David Risley on creativity, part one


We have a double-header and it’s two Davids. We have David Hoogland and David Risley

After 7 years of running a creative agency / startup studio David Hoogland felt he was going in the wrong direction. Dealing with a burnout and had to quit.
This decision opened a space from which he started a journey of transformation and rediscovery. In the last 2 years he has been alternating between dark shadows and bright lights, while learning to listen and reconnect more deeply with himself, with others, and with nature. To find out what he wants to give life to and what it is that gives him life.

David Risley makes paintings, writes a bit, curates when he’s allowed, co-owns Chart art fair, teaches sometimes, ran a gallery for 20 years and did some other stuff too. I met him when he was setting up an eco-innovation centre in the south of Sweden but he grew up 10 miles from where I’m typing this.