
Written in the midst of pandemic restrictions in the UK, 2021.

I’ve never regretted going for a swim.

Even on the days I have almost talked myself out of it.

When the warm duvet clings to me like seaweed 

When on the way the wind whispers 

“It’s not too late to turn back”

When I’m stood on the edge

And shivering before I’ve even begun

Deep breath.

Feet clench.

And yet the second I am in it is all worth it.

Okay - 5 seconds after I am in it is all worth it.

Somehow every single time it still surprises me how cold it is.

My technique is

less Wim Hoff

More grunt like Warthog

Flail limbs underwater

’til I begin to warm up

When the cold hits you

it becomes impossible to think about anything else

And this year of all years, that is not nothing

Jessie is my swim buddy.

We both went every day through lockdown 2

We’ve carried on in tier 3

Even more in tier 4, at least

they can’t shut down the sea.

Jessie is hardcore.

Like proper puts her face in.

Like casually brings up doing a 5k race in conversation -

barista-trained she brings a thermos and spare mug for coffee after

- I think It’s honestly the greatest thing I’ve ever tasted.

I love how much I do not need to be the best at this

Each day the fact I'm in at all is an achievement.

And this year of all years, that is not nothing

Whether it’s wetsuit with the hands and feet, 

or swimsuit with a beanie hat

A full-on-lap, 

a there-and-back, 

often not even that.

The codeword is stiff chewing gum

As in the texture that your muscles feel when it is time to get out.

Even in winter we’ve met fellow swimmers every time we’ve gone

Exchange a brief hello, an ooh it’s cold, or simply just The Nod

Realise how much this year we’ve bonded 

through a shared sense of complaining

Whereas here the default setting becomes - 

Isn’t this amazing?

Whether grimacing or grinning

You can see it in our eyes

Skin is pink and we are thinking

What a time to be alive.

This unavoidable reminder 

of how incredible the body is

When I am on zoom later 

I’ll remember to hold on to this

A dog-walker on the way home,

chuckles ‘rather you than me’

I Can’t help smiling to myself 

and think ‘I rather do agree’

As the feeling teases back into my fingers,

Stood in the shower, 

waffles and veggie sausages 

heating up in the oven.

I am already looking forward to tomorrow -

And this year of all years, that is not nothing

Harry Baker

@harrybakerpoet // www.harrybaker.co


Snapdragon Gutters


Good Morning