A True Story of Making Value

Many years ago I was on a train back to University. I had recently been learning some origami [in an effort to impress an ex-girlfriend who’s favourite band had a music video featuring an origami pig…], so as I neared my final destination, I took my used train ticket and a few minutes later had fashioned a tiny paper pig! I left this on the table in front of my seat and left the train. As I walked back past the window I had previously been sat by, I saw the seat’s new occupant pick up the paper pig for closer inspection, with a beaming smile on their face!

This, likely to be discarded, train ticket had somehow become an object of value, and joy, simply through the process of making. And I think that’s pretty cool.

If you fancy making a little bit of origami yourself, above are simple easy steps to create your very own origami butterfly!

[The pig design is kinda long-winded, sorry]

Peter May



Spring Quiche


There’s Always a Way